Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Quick Build Kits

Although a bit heavier, the O-200 and O-235 options may be a tantalizing choice since these engines are more widely available used than either the Jabiru or Rotax. Performance reflects wing area and utility, meaning cruise is in the 120–125 mph range, with added horsepower adding most to rate of climb and shortening the takeoff roll. Maximum gross weight is 2200 pounds with an empty weight around 1100. Here’s another one where if you build it light you’ll be rewarded with impressive carrying capacity.

home built jet plane kits

To enhance the GlaStar’s backcountry performance I have invested in some extended heavy-duty landing gear, some bigger tires, and a T3 tailwheel setup. I have also built some Sportsman flaps to replace the less effective GlaStar flaps. That has been more expensive and more technically difficult than I expected, but experimental aviation is all about education and recreation. Let’s just say I am getting an education now in hopes of some future recreation.

Pietenpol Air Camper

I started sketching delta-winged light-plane concepts and used my newly acquired engineering knowledge to analyze their performance. Within a year, I set building such an airplane for myself as a life goal. People don’t say that the RV-3B is a thinking man’s airplane, which it most certainly is, at least during the construction.

home built jet plane kits

You get a wing of 128 square feet on an airplane with a gross weight of just 1150 pounds, which affords strong climb performance and short takeoff and landing rolls. This single-place, Dacron-covered amphib has a max-gross weight of just 750 pounds, which makes the most of the 60-ish horsepower on board. A 90-mph cruise speed will be sufficient to drop into local lakes or check out the nearby grass strip. The HP has a host of options available, including a carbon-fiber hull, a $2800 upcharge that still gets the whole airframe kit in under $25K. It’s part of the reason we elect to build our own—to do so for less than it costs to buy a new or used series-built design, to save us money on maintenance and to make the outcome uniquely ours.

Stroke Aircraft Engines

It had to have at least two seats and enough baggage space for a week’s camping at Oshkosh. I had grown fond of our bush plane’s short-field capability and appreciated a strong climb rate. Altitude more quickly meant more options sooner. It had to be capable of landing on grass, with handling characteristics that wouldn’t bite a weekend pilot. I was aware that off-airport survivability drops significantly with increasing stall speed , so a reasonably slow stall speed was desired. The build time had to be short enough to fly prior to my hair commencing its migration, and metal was preferred.

home built jet plane kits

This, I should add, is very similar to Brain Carpenter’s Rainbow Aviation LSA repairman/inspection class, except their focus is Rotax engines. In both cases I came away more knowledgeable and with a healthy respect for the factory guidelines. Back in about 1987, I was 36 years old, with very little money and a logbook with about 180 hours in it. The preceding three years had contained one wrenching experience after another, and I was ready to do something, anything, positive.

Coming Soon: JSX-2T Two-Place Jet

Kitfox Aircraft supports many different engine installations. Below are some of our most popular engine choices for our aircraft which can be purchased in a firewall forward configuration. Every Series 7 Kitfox comes standard with folding wings.

home built jet plane kits

KITPLANES Editor in Chief Marc Cook has been in aviation journalism for more than 30 years. He is a 4000-hour instrument-rated, multi-engine pilot with experience in nearly 150 types. He’s completed two kit aircraft, an Aero Designs Pulsar XP and a Glasair Sportsman 2+2, and currently flies a 2002 GlaStar.

People say that the nice thing about the RV-3B is the quality of the social experience, knowing that it’s a single-seater. The canopy choice (slider versus tip-up) was easy for me. Think sleeping bags and camping tents, a bicycle , snowboards, etc. How the Jabiru has all this space came about because the factory down-spec’d a four-seater, the J430, to meet the LSA category rules.

I roll and pitch aggressively on nearly all flights but don’t need tiddlywink aerobatics. Zooming up and over the clouds on sunset flights is glorious, and the big engine means you don’t have to look at your watch to see if anything is happening when you lay on the loud lever. Cross-country stability is excellent, and the world looks great framed by those two wings and crossing stainless steel wires. These modifications are not ones I would recommend to a first-time builder, at least not the flap change, because such changes tend to complicate and extend the building process. My previous planes were all built according to the plans, although I did later switch my first GlaStar to conventional gear from its original tricycle configuration. It is only now, on my fourth project, that I am customizing things from the beginning.

STOL CH 750 Super Duty

Then I tried the GlaStar, and I knew it was the plane for me. Good useful load, good speed, lots of room inside—it just fit me. I live near Portland, Oregon, and one Dick VanGrunsven was building a small but successful business nearby.

home built jet plane kits

For that, you’ll have to forego the quickbuild options on the 7. Van’s helps you with this decision on the RV-3 and -4, since there are no quickbuild options. There are other benefits to maintaining simplicity.

Hummel Aviation H5

At Van's Aircraft, many of us are builders and pilots just like you. We understand what you're trying to accomplish and we speak the language. Via phone or email, our goal is to help you reach your goals. The TJ-100 turbojet engine is produced by PBS Velká Bíteš of the Czech Republic, a large manufacturer of rotary machines with roots dating-back to 1814. The TJ-100 is designed for UAV, UCAV, experimental aircraft and motorized gliders with hundreds of units delivered since its introduction in 2008. Because there is no Type Certificate available for the SubSonex, pilots will need a Letter of Authorization from the FAA that is specific to the aircraft.

Kits & Plans Aircraft Index, Descriptions

I finished that airplane and made the first flight on December 26, 1993. Over the next couple of decades, I partnered with Ken Krueger to build an airplane he designed, a small VW-powered single-seater we called the KK-1. It was a five-year project, but the result flew very well. I enjoyed flying the company airplane and needed some way to occupy my hands and mind, so I spent 18 months building one. Kitfox provides one of the safest & easy to build kits in the kitplane market. There are over 4000 completed Kitox aircraft flying today and there has never been a reported in-flight structural failure.

Avoiding mission creep is the only way to stay within a modest budget. Paul Dye, KITPLANES® Editor at Large, retired as a Lead Flight Director for NASA’s Human Space Flight program, with 40 years of aerospace experience on everything from Cubs to the Space Shuttle. An avid homebuilder, he began flying and working on airplanes as a teen, and has experience with a wide range of construction techniques and materials. He flies an RV-8 that he built, an RV-3 that he built with his pilot wife, as well as a Dream Tundra they completed.

Landing Gear

With more builders demanding quickbuild options and willing to pay for them, you can hardly blame them. After two and a half years and 500 hours of flying, I still marvel at the fact that it was built at home. If I were to do it again, I would use 10-inch displays rather than 7-inch ones that are a challenge with older eyes. I would not bother with an IFR GPS, given the amount of actual IFR I do. I would not bother with the aftermarket tip tanks; it can do around 1000 nautical miles on just the mains.

And speaking of wings, the Dakota Hawk has the option of folding feathers. The airplane is primarily wood but comes with Dacron fabric and Stewart adhesives in base form. Byron Poppenhagen’s Baby Ace with an O-200.The Baby Ace, a long-distance cousin of the original Corben designs of the late 1920s, is in many ways the quintessential early homebuilt. This parasol-wing, open-cockpit “flivver” mounts a Continental C-85 up front, though several variants of Continental’s popular flat-four up to 120 hp will go, and provides a breezy 100-mph cruise. Top speed is just 10 mph greater, but it probably feels like a lot more with the wind rushing by your ears. With a gross weight of just 950 pounds, the Baby Ace is LSA legal.


As a result, the Federal Trade Commission banned Bede from accepting aircraft kit investments for a period of 10 years. These Quick Build upgrade options drastically reduce build time and reduce the level of skill required to complete the aircraft. Quick Build Sonex Aircraft kits offer the fastest build possible within the bounds of Experimental/Amateur-Built homebuilding regulations . Getting your kit components under $25,000 for a one- or two-place airplane is a challenge enough, but getting something with four seats that starts in the budget basement is fairly impressive. It’s not a new design by any means, but a reproduction of Piper’s PA-14 Family Cruiser aircraft.

Standard fuel is 39 gallons, generous with an O-320 up front. Handling is straightforward and very Piper-like. How Sonex does this is really through simplicity of design.

Airdrome Aeroplanes Sopwith Camel

Among her inputs, Kelli gave me two key “requests” (which I dutifully understood were actually “requirements”). As far as spare parts and support, Otterback added, “Arion has bought all inventory that Jabiru North America had. We continue to maintain a very good stock of parts, and we order new stock every Friday from Australia to keep the shelves full. N207KS was the 207th RV-6 kit sold out of more than 6000. It first flew on December 26, 1993, and Ken still owns it.

home built jet plane kits

During my time at Cornell, I started building a KR-2 with my father, who suggested a plansbuilt project as a learning exercise before we started on the original-design delta. I now understand that my dad saw my still-developing engineering skills were not yet to the point where I could design a safe airplane. The KR-2 project was his way of supporting my long-term dream while postponing the delta project until I had the ability to do it right. But after spending the majority of my adult life building and flying experimental airplanes, my advice is that if you want to build an airplane, buy a kit. There’s a world of satisfaction and pleasure in building a kit aircraft, without the grinding grunt work.

Cruise speeds run from less than 70 mph with the 503 up to 80 with the 912. Truth is, that much wing is great for lift but you can’t really outrun induced drag. Many other designs at or near this price point don’t include any interior at all. Of course, Just offers a long list of options to add to your bottom line, but you can start with a fairly complete base kit and go austere from there. We chose the Sopwith Camel for this exercise but most of Airdrome’s replicas could meet our under-$25K kit cost criteria.

Call it serendipity, or fluke, or whatever you want, you have to admit they were smart to do a simple reconfiguration rather than a complete redesign for entry into the LSA market. Find out about new products, maintenance and inspection information as well as events where you can meet our team and see aircraft in person. If you have general questions about Experimental Aviation or are new to homebuilts and have questions about how to get started - this is the place. For more Technical questions please go to the appropriate forum below.

Quick Build Kit FAA NKET Audit

I mean, a decades-old itch constantly reminded me that I would build an aircraft someday, and that I would name that aircraft Kelli Girl after my beautiful wife. One thing Jabiru in North America is known for is hosting engine seminars. This is something every engine manufacturer should do. The seminar I attended in 2015 covered everything from tuning to cooling, as well as complete teardown and assembly. One of the most interesting topics was the revision history and design philosophy of Jabiru. In particular, engine failure analysis was a big part of the discussion.

Tom flies his Starduster Too over north San Diego County, California. With its O-540 Lycoming, it climbs at 2500 fpm, cruises at 150 mph, and has a 350-foot takeoff roll. “Sid, you flew over 2000 hours in the back seat of F-4 Phantoms.

Sonex Aircraft Sonex-B

Mike Van Wagenen, a Vietnam-era fighter pilot and Bede’s primary business partner and inspiration for the BD-10, took the reins of the entire project and pressed ahead. The biggest red flag for the project was when wrinkling appeared on the aircraft’s vertical tail after performing demo flights at the 1994 Reno Air Races. The tail was beefed up, and the next prototype, dubbed the PJ-1, was quickly built based on the redesign, and Van Wagenen’s new company, Peregrine Flight International, was born.

home built jet plane kits

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